Today on Chaz & AJ: Pat Oates in Studio and Loser of the Week!

Today on Chaz & AJ: Pat Oates in Studio and Loser of the Week!

6:00. Bed bugs are back at this Connecticut school. 6:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer Powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20 – 6:50. How did you knock yourself out? Call in with your story to win Journey tickets at 877-764-2535! 7:00. Pat Oates is in studio! 7:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer Powered by…

Today on Chaz and AJ: Tom Green in studio and Loser of the Week

Today on Chaz and AJ: Tom Green in studio and Loser of the Week

6:00. A teen dies from an allergic reaction after boy throes cheese slice at him. 6:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer Powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20 – 6:50. Loser of the Week. Call in at 877-764-2535! 7:00.The weird thing Connecticut doctors found in a kids ear. We talked to the Doctor that removed…

Listen weekdays at 9:30am to play Chaz & AJ Splash Car Wash Stump The Chumps. Chaz and AJ come up with a topic and you try to stump Chaz and AJ. Stump them, and you win that day’s prize. Every weekday at 11am, Phil plays 3 songs from one year in music history. Guess the…