AJ’s Weather Meltdown Jimmy Koplik Talks Chuck Berry, Led Zeppelin’s Anniversary King of the Nerds “Terrificon!” Recap MGM Springfield Launch

AJ’s Weather Meltdown Jimmy Koplik Talks Chuck Berry, Led Zeppelin’s Anniversary King of the Nerds “Terrificon!” Recap MGM Springfield Launch
Jennifer’s Bizarre Dream Canada Geese Destroying Milford Former Cult Member, Sarah Jimmy Koplik on Elton John, Woodstock Anniversary The Dangers of GSC
Dennis Has A Pro Gamer Son The Republican Debate Recap Tim Herbst on Last Night’s Debate Jimmy Koplik on the Anniversary of Jerry Garcia’s Death
Malloy’s Cuban Compliment Thomas Dolby Plane Crash Landing Re-Creation, Featuring AJ The Ron Jeremy Countdown Mark Boughton in Studio Jimmy Koplik on Grateful Dead Shutting Down Colt Park #DumbAssNews – Cory the Intern Interviews Mark Boughton
Mean Mr. Malloy Bob Stefanowski on Tolls, Pensions, Democratic Past Chaz and AJ Political Attack Ads Jimmy Koplik Concert Stories
Jimmy Koplik Talks Bridgeport Groundbreaking Boss Keith’s Top 5 Things to Look Forward to During Chaz and AJ’s Vacation Fixing Political Ads #DumbAssNews – The Kinder Egg-gagement
Drama at the Drive Thru The West Haven Fireworks Brawl Jimmy Koplik Recaps U2, and Announces a Concert Chaz Rants About U2 Clyde’s Still Pissed
Mark Boughton’s Return Shoreline Frankie Makes Up with Jimmy Koplik A Supposed Eyewitness to the Infamous New Haven Coliseum Death Joe Saved Rick’s Family From a House Fire #DumbAssNews – Which State Has the Most Psychopaths?
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Jimmy Koplik Remembers the New Haven Coliseum Stamford Fire’s Tom G on Rescue Protocol Hot Dog to the Face Governor Malloy’s Statements on Immigration #DumbAssNews – Bankrupt Buffet, Jennifer’s Nails #DumbAssNews – The Great Gun Gaffe