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PODCAST – Wednesday, August 23: Getting Rid Of Squatters; Food Injury Stories
Flash Shelton has figured out how to squat out the squatters. Chaz and AJ had him on to explain the process that helped him get rid of squatters in a day, after his mother’s home was taken over and the police couldn’t intervene. (0:00) Chaz met a woman at the Jelly Roll concert with bandages…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, August 23
6:00. Why is there a school bus driver shortage in Connecticut? 6:20. The top 10 Overrated movies with Andre In Derby. 6:40. Glastonbury Tickler – we’re not done! 7:00. Why Quinnipiac students are being assigned to live in student lounges. Comedian Paul Taro is back. Catch him Saturday September 30th at Towne Parlor Pizza, Stamford…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Tuesday, August 22: Ticks And The Powassan Virus; Dog Eats Passport; What Makes A “Good” Wedding
Dr. Mather is the authority on ticks. He was on with Chaz and AJ to help the Tribe protect themselves from ticks, and the dangerous infections they carry like Lyme Disease and the Powassan Virus. (0:00) Dumb Ass News – A man may miss his own wedding, since his dog ate his passport just before…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, August 22
6:00. A gas leak closed a major section in Hartford. 6:20. Britney Spears had a divorce party over the weekend. So Emma will do the Top 10 songs for your divorce party playlist. (203) 882-9757 6:40. Funny song posts from Facebook that didn’t get called in. 7:00. Attack of the ticks in Connecticut. Dr.…… Continue Reading

Monday, August 21: Dumb Ass News; Stunt Or Stupid – Toe-tal Concentration; AJ’s New Do
Dumb Ass News – A manatee in Florida is dead, thanks to high intensity sex with it’s brother. (0:00) Stunt or Stupid this week was a test of AJ’s focus and concentration, when a pair of pedicured feet are dangling in his face. (5:11) Dave from Riverview Bistro was on to share details about an…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, August 21
6:00. Block Island in a state of emergency. 6:20. Top 10 Horror movies with Tribe member Eve. (203) 882-9757 6:40. Lou Gram on how he ended up in a room with John Lennon. 7:00. A guy arrested for masturbating at a park in Shelton. And a woman’s reaction to being face to face with…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Friday, August 18: WFSB’s Caitlin Francis; The 59¢ Pyramid; Boss Keith’s Top 5
Bridgeport’s Amphitheater had to institute new rules in the suites, thanks to something that happened during the Goo Goo Dolls show in the Mayor’s box. Plus, stories of being chased by the cops when they would just run you over. (0:00) WFSB’s Scot Haney was completely tied up with weather updates because of the morning…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, August 18
6:00. The kitten in the stolen car we told you about yesterday has been reunited with its owner. But not a great ending. 6:20. The Top 10 Patrick Swayze movies with AJ. (203) 882-9757 6:40. AJ will be in the land of weirdness tonight. 7:00. Was this the appropriate hat to wear while robbing a…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Thursday, August 17: Dumb Ass News; AI Satan; Jimmy Koplik
Dumb Ass News – A backflip slip causes lip to rip, for this unfortunate rugby player. (0:00) Chaz and AJ spent money to bring AI Satan to the Tribe. What kind of questions would they like to have answered? (5:52) Movie guy Joe Meyers was on to talk about the continued dominance of “Barbie” at…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, August 17
6:20. The Top 10 Foreigner songs. Officer Joe. (203) 882-9757 6:40. He was alone in a room with a serial killer and got a big surprise. Former FBI agent, Jeff Rineck. 7:00. 30 Car break-ins in under a month in this Connecticut town… which one do you think it is? Pat Oates in studio 7:20.…… Continue Reading