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Dumbass News: Friday, September 8th
A drunk guy was arrested after inadvertently called 911 on himself. Get the story here. A dumbass tries to get across the ocean in a giant hamster ball. Get the story here. Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here.… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, September 7th
6:00. Will the kids be able to have a full day of school today? Probably not. 6:20. The Top 10 Football movies with Michael Killen. 6:40. AJ has a new parody song and it attacks something we hold sacred. 7:00. Is it easier to find a house in Connecticut now that the school year has…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Wednesday, September 6: Why Is AJ So Mad?; How You Found A Significant Amount Of Money
Chaz and AJ took a call from Don Shubert about the Shepherd’s Men, and a big event happening this weekend for veterans and then immediately rolled into a round of “Why is AJ so Mad?” (0:00) No matter which way it goes, it makes for a memorable story. Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe to…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, September 6th
6:00. More Connecticut school bus drivers going on strike. 6:20. The top 10 songs with the word “devil” in the title with Andre in Derby. (203) 882-9757 6:40. The 3 things you should do in Vegas that don’t involve gambling. 7:00. Why some Connecticut schools had unexpected early dismissals yesterday.Comedian Damien Speranza in studio. Friday…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Tuesday, September 5: The Fisherman Who Caught A Shark During The Bluefish Tournament; Viral Barstool Pizza Review; Dumb Ass News
Eddie Carroll was on with Chaz and AJ to talk about his big catch during the Greatest Bluefish Tournament on Earth last weekend – a 6 foot shark! (0:00) Dom of the Year was just walking by a pizza shop in Massachusetts recently, when the Barstool crew showed up for their review. The whole thing…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, September 5th
6:20. Bob Barker finally died. We now reset the death pool. 6:40. How was Chaz, AJ, and Phil’s vacation? 7:00. Connecticut state police check in with the weekend traffic statistics…and the guy who was trying to catch a blue fish, caught something much bigger. Pat Oates in studio –See him Friday at Twisted Vine in…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Friday, August 25: The Subway Story; WFSB’s Scot Haney; The Strange Things You Witnessed
A stoner idea wound up becoming a massively successful business, by the name of Subway. Chaz and AJ shared the story of the company, as they heard from folks coming into the station over the years, and participating in some legendary concert events. Subway sold for billions recently, one of the most impressive fast food…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, August 25
6:00. What started out as a stoner idea in New Haven just sold for over 8 billion dollars. 6:20. The top 10 REAL front man of rock with AJ. (203) 882-97576:40. What type of packer are you? For vacations? 7:00. An Amazon driver shot an Uber driver in Stratford, and how to make $25,000 catching…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Thursday, August 24: Jimmy Koplik; CT United Ride; Stump The Chumps – U2 Trivia
Live Nation’s Jimmy Koplik was on with Chaz and AJ to talk about Keanu Reeves coming to Toad’s Place with his band, Dogstar. Plus, his reaction to the Fyre Festival organizer announcing a second festival, with no bands and no set location. (0:00) The annual CT United Ride in memory of 9/11 is the largest…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, August 24
6:00. The top 10 Connecticut high schools are…. 6:20. The Top 10 Rock front men with Officer Joe. (203) 882-9757 7:00. Why you should be careful posting back to school pictures. Scott Driscoll of Internet Safety Concepts will give his top tips to keep your kid safe. Pat Oates is in-studio. He’s playing The Stress…… Continue Reading