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Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, September 13th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, September 13th

6:00. Who were the winners in yesterday’s primaries? 6:20. The Top 10 Joe Perry riffs with Katie Nathan. 6:30. Calls and wrap up. 6:40. Geoff Tate , formerly of Queensryche talks about those awesome high notes. 7:00. A Connecticut couple saved a baby shark Pat Oates in studio. Did Tribe Member Sean get his shirt…Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Tuesday, September 12th

Dumbass News: Tuesday, September 12th

Woman unaware of red and blue flashing lights on her car didn’t realize why drivers pulled over Washington police deputy barks like a dog to scare car thieves Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here.Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, September 12th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, September 12th

6:00. Someone in Milford won a million dollars in the lottery. 6:20. Top 10 most annoying football fans at a house party with Emma. 7:00. A dude catches an almost 300 pound fish and may have broken a record set in the 1950’s.Ayesheh Mae in studio. See her along with Pat on Friday at Riverwalk…Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Monday, September 11th

Dumbass News: Monday, September 11th

MMA Fighter Filmed Chasing Down Car Thieves In Philadelphia Who Speed Away With Him Hanging Out Window Country singer Zach Bryan interfered with traffic stop, said ‘I’ll go to jail’ — So the officer took him up on it Floriduh Woman Arrested for Leaving Kids in Hot Car Asked Cops to Crank Up A/C in…Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, September 11th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, September 11th

6:00. A home donated to a hero in East Haven with 9/11 ties. 6:20. The Top Ten odd things firefighters have been asked to do with Retired Fire Chief Tom G. 7:00.Where were you 22 years ago today? Pat Oates in studio. See him Friday. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A flight ruined by a farting…Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, September 8th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, September 8th

6:00. Who was dumb enough to leave a kid in a car yesterday? 6:20. AJ’s top 10 reasons your kid is a wuss. 6:40. Causing a riot at Ozzfest seemed like a good idea at the time until he came face-to-face with Sharon Osbourne. Papa Roach lead singer Jacoby Shaddix next. 7:00. You better watch…Continue Reading

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