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PODCAST – Monday, October 2: Connecticut’s New Laws; Dumb Ass News; NFL Weekend Recap
AJ is back! The big news this morning is that AJ is back in the building (isolated) and playing the Powerball once again. Chaz and AJ talked about the $1 billion grand prize, then spoke with David Biller about some of the crazy flooding footage that has made news headlines out of NYC. House Minority…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, October 2
6:00. If your basement is flooded, is it covered? Public insurance adjuster on the phone and Powerball talk. 6:20. One person’s loss is another person’s gain. We reset the Chaz and AJ Celebrity Death Pool. Want in? (203) 882-9757 6:40. A big question coming out of Sound on Sound music festival. 7:00. Hide your gun,…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Friday, September 29: Dumb Ass News; Tribe Confessions; Boss Keith’s Top 5
Dumb Ass News – How does an alligator provide emotional support? A man attempted to bring his pet alligator into a Philadelphia Phillies game, but that (obviously) did not work out. (0:00) Chaz’s wife, Jennifer was on to share the crime she witnessed this week. Did she do the right thing by not saying anything?…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Friday, September 29th
Emotional support alligator denied entry to baseball park Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here.… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, September 29th
6:00. The State of Connecticut wants to know if you’ve seen a fisher cat and where. 6:20. Top Ten famous Larrys with AJ. (203) 882-9757 6:40. Let’s talk about AJ in a Box. Gunner Roofing on the phone. 7:00. A Connecticut state trawling crew pulled up a massive stingray…and the Aztec death whistle 7:20. Dumb…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Thursday, September 28: Attorney Steve Errante; The Big E’s Lost And Found; Stump The Chumps With Comedian Chuck Nice
Attorney Steve Errante was in studio with Chaz and AJ to share some details about a truly wild case. A doctor in charge of a sperm bank admitted to using his own samples on patients who had difficulty conceiving. Janine, one of the children to come from this practice, was on to explain what the…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Thursday, September 28th
‘Is this a life or death emergency?’ Man calls 911 over bad Tim Hortons coffee order Rabid otter bites man and dog in Florida Driver choking on French fry blamed for crash in Kentucky Vacuum containing hundreds of hornets stolen from Philadelphia beekeeper’s truck Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here.… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, September 28th
6:00. A trucker makes the ultimate F up. 6:20. The Top Ten military movies with Officer Joe. (203) 882-9757 6:40. Making AJ’s Box. 7:00. A Naugatuck fire leaves a veteran and his dogs homeless. Pat Oates in studio. Catch him next Friday with AJ at Twisted Vine in Derby. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. The…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Wednesday, September 27th
Man mortified after accidentally sending cheeky photo of wife to entire contact list Man charged with running illegal dentist’s office out of Massachusetts convenience store Florida woman ‘borrowed’ alligator from previous job for her birthday photo shoot, left in hotel bathtub: officials Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here.… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Wednesday, September 27: AJ’s Home Sick; Dumb Ass News; Kent Falls Brewing
AJ is home sick today, recovering from COVID, so comedian Pat Oates was in studio to start the show with Chaz. AJ called from home to talk about the lack of medicine and remedies he has at home, and then everyone talked about the return of spicy nuggets. (0:00) A man in Torrington was arrested…… Continue Reading