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Dumbass News: Friday, December 1st
Veteran Ohio defense attorney Jack Blakeslee suspended for pooping in Pringles can that he dumped at victim advocacy center Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, December 1st
6:00. Idiot drivers is the new pandemic. 6:20. The top 10 Worst Christmas Movies you’ve heard of with AJ (203) 882-9757 6:40. AJ has a new parody. 7:00. Amazon drivers being robbed in New Haven and a UPS driver in Meriden being shown love. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A defense attorney suspended for pooping in…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Thursday, November 30: Boss Keith’s Toy Drive Bit; Fav Xmas Movies With Ruth’s Mom; Breaking The Law As A Kid
Chaz and AJ are tying together the details for next week’s Toy Drive, and received a lot of requests from the Tribe to include Boss Keith. He was immediately complaining about the proposed ropes course bit, and the Tribe refused to let him off the hook. (0:00) Ruth’s Mom is a Christmas movie expert, so…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Thursday, November 30th
Florida woman stabs boyfriend in eye with rabies needle for looking at other women: Police Mobile home pulled over by Virginia State Troopers after house gets stuck in street, hits overpass Child driving stolen construction forklift leads Ann Arbor police on chase Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, November 30th
6:00. The Rolling Stones announced a second date at MetLife. 6:20. Once again, we reset the Celebrity Death Pool. (203) 882-9757 7:00. Three things to lie about during a job interview. Anthony Avallone, President of Reitman Personnel, will tell us. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A Florida woman, a rabies needle and her boyfriend’s eye.Pat Oates…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Wednesday, November 29th
Florida woman caught with meth, Valium begs cops not to take her sex toy during drug bust Sheriff: Meth sewn into underwear in Barton County smuggling attempt Man who suffered headaches for 5 months learns he had chopsticks stuck in his brain Menifee County teen rescued after bad fall at Broke Leg Falls Think you…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Wednesday, November 29: Was This A Hero?; Singer Samantha Cole; Comedian Bill Engvall
Chaz and AJ will welcome the O Gees to the Toy Drive stage once again this year. Not quite the Bee Gees, as AJ, Scot Haney and Tribe member Andre all do their best to mimic the high notes and harmonies, to varying degrees of success. (0:00) Would you call this man a hero? Chaz…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, November 29th
6:00. What’s going on in the news? 6:20. The Top 10 KISS albums with Andre. 6:40. The OGee’s 7:00. What came out of the Governor’s news conference regarding electric cars yesterday? Shaye Roscoe of the Boys and Girls Club, Lower Naugatuck Valley is on the phone. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A woman asks police not…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Tuesday, November 28: Dumb Ass News; KISS Concert Stories; Neighbors From Hell
Dumb Ass News – A classic story is making the rounds on TikTok, which proves (yet again) that the government does not understand how the internet works. From 2011, the naming of a new Government center goes hilariously awry, when a former mayor’s name was immediately disqualified. (0:00) It’s a big week for KISS and…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Tuesday, November 28th
Harry Baals Gets Snubbed As Building Name Sheriff: GA man wearing chicken suit, high on mushrooms arrested after rampage through neighborhood Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here… Continue Reading