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PODCAST – Friday, August 2: Snake Stories, Scot Haney’s On-Air Toot, Vacation Nightmares
Chaz and AJ have been following the sad story out of Torrington, where a man was just trying to help a snake in the road but is now in a coma. The family has a GoFundMe account set up, as he has no health insurance. The Tribe called in to share some snake encounters of…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Friday August 2nd
Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, August 2nd
6:00. A CT Olympian brings home gold, and the costs of energy are rising. 6:20. The top 10 things AJ hates about Facebook. 6:40. The Anchor was closed for lunch, so Chaz ended up at quite possibly the best Mexican restaurant in New Haven! 7:00. The Torrington man who tried to help a rattlesnake is…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Thursday, August 1: Jimmy Koplik on the XL Center, Soundside Acts, and a Dave Matthews Announcement
Chaz and AJ spoke with Live Nation’s Jimmy Koplik about the state’s $140 million plans for the XL Center in Hartford. Jimmy also gave some insight on the Soundside Music Festival in September, and a little info about Dave Matthews in Connecticut for the fall. Plus, a lot of memories of Jerry Garcia, who would…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Thursday August 1st
Florida Man Exposes Himself During Road Rage Incident Phone Scammer Tricks Woman Into Undressing To “Verify Her Identity” … Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, August 1st
6:00. The Boars Head recall and West Haven begins hurricane drills. 6:20. The Top Ten cartoons from when Tom G was little. (203) 882-9757 6:40. Chaz is going to check out The Anchor Spa in New Haven! 7:00. Jonathan Carbutti joins Chaz & AJ to talk real estate. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. We’ve all experienced…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Wednesday, July 31: The Boar’s Head Recall (Part 2), Wedding Stories and Hospital Visits
For a second time, Boar’s Head deli meats have been recalled, closing the deli counters at local grocery stores. Chaz and AJ spoke with Vince Candelora about the money going into Hartford’s XL Center, and then tried to get to the bottom of this recall. (0:00) Wedding season is in high gear, so Chaz and…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Wednesday July 31st
HOA members try to shut down kids lemonade stand by calling the sheriff, claiming the kids were blocking the road.… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, July 31st
6:00. News. Deli meat debacle. 6:20. The Top Ten Marvel Movies with Andre. (203) 882-9757 7:00. A Torrington man in the hospital after being bitten by a rattlesnake. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. HOA members try to shut down kids lemonade stand. Dumb Ass or not? Comedian Ayesheh Mae in-studio, and will be hosting the Wine…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Tuesday, July 30: AJ’s Mad At Facebook; Random Man Found In Connecticut State Office Vault; How Your Cellphone Got You In Trouble
AJ is consistently enraged by comments on Facebook, including a recent post where none of the comments were about the topic he asked for. (0:00) A random man was found in a vault of a state office building, obviously causing concern for state police. Sgt. Luke Davis was on to talk about their response to…… Continue Reading