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PODCAST – Thursday, August 22: Claudia’s Update; Tori’s Naugatuck Neighborhood Story; Dan’s Unfortunate Oxford Move Date
Claudia spoke with Chaz and AJ from “The Land of the Stranded.” In Southbury, she and her neighbors are still unable to leave their homes since the road has washed away. However, there was an encouraging update! (0:00) Tori in Naugatuck was on the phone with Chaz and AJ this morning to share the devastating…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, August 22nd
6:00. Update. The Feds are sending money but not for homeowners. 6:40. Tom Haynes to talk about tonight’s event at Quarry Walk 7:00. Claudia from the land of the stranded. 7:20. The two people who won the Motley Crue meet and greet and one very grateful Randi. 7:30. Call in your untold storm story. (203)…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Wednesday, August 21: More Post-Flooding Coverage; Gary From Brookside Inn; An Update From Randi
Gary from Brookside restaurant was on with Chaz and AJ this morning. Brookside was at the very center of the most devastating flooding, and yet Gary is optimistic about opening the restaurant again sooner than most could imagine. (0:00) Janet Morgan is the Fire Marshal and Fire Chief of Woodbury. She was on to express…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, August 21st
6:00. The latest news and updates. 7:00. Woodbury Fire Marshal Janet Morgan. Naugatuck Mayor Pete Hess. Vince Berry in studio 7:30. Southbury resident Claudia with a story of a dry dramatic baby rescue during the flood. 8:00. Hooked on a shark guy, Eddie Carroll talks this year’s Bluefish Tournament! 8:20. Randi on phone: Auction and…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Tuesday, August 20: More Flood Aftermath Stories; Oxford First Selectman George Temple; Senator Blumenthal
Randi was on with Chaz and AJ this morning to talk about losing her home to the flooding in Oxford. Randi is an ER nurse and single mother, did not have flood insurance (like many in Oxford) and is most concerned with the sentimental items she will never be able to replace. (0:00) Chris is…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, August 20th
6:00. Randi, who lost everything, on the phone. You can help. 6:20. The Top Ten Natural Disasters in Connecticut. (203) 882-9757 7:00. What is the total count for state roads and bridges taken out by the storm? DOT Commissioner Garret Eucalitto. 7:20. Another story from the devastating flood. 7:30. She was rescued from Jackson Cove:…… Continue Reading

Monday, August 19: Storm Coverage Recap
Mudslides, flooding, emergency rescues and tons of damage in Oxford and surrounding towns yesterday. Chaz and AJ spoke with the DOT Commissioner, Garrett Eucalitto about road closures and an estimate on how long it will take to repair washed away bridges. Plus, George Temple, first selectman of Oxford, on the phone to share some of…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, August 19th
6:00. Massive flooding in parts of Connecticut. 6:20. The Top Ten piercings that had to be removed in the ER with Dr. Ron Clark. (203) 882-9757 6:40. The Milford Oyster Fest 7:00. Massive flooding, mud, slides, and cars swept away yesterday in parts of Connecticut.Oxford First Selectman George Temple and DOT Commissioner Garrett T. Eucalitto.…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Friday, August 16: Wallingford Mayor Addresses Electric Rates; Comedian Mike Finoia; Hillbilly Moments
Wallingford mayor Vinny Cervoni was on with Chaz and AJ this morning to address their electric rates, and shared how the town has been able to keep prices more affordable for residents. (0:00) Dumb Ass News – Comedian Mike Finoia was in studio, as Chaz and AJ read the story of a father and son,…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Friday August 16th
Son shot father in the face over argument about his ‘stinky feet’: cops Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here… Continue Reading