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Pod Pick: Nathan Grube from Traveler’s Championship

Pod Pick: Nathan Grube from Traveler’s Championship

Chaz and AJ invited Nathan Grube, tournament director for the Traveler’s Championship on the phone this morning to talk about the upcoming PGA season, and how their event has consistently been able to bring in the big talent. Plus, the incredible backstory of Ryan Peake, who went from a jailed biker gang member to on…Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Thursday, March 6th

Dumbass News: Thursday, March 6th

Man arrested in Surfside after odd behavior with ‘Chucky’ doll Man charged second time with attempting sex act with Metrolink seat Man Eats 1 Kilo of Burning Charcoal in a Minute for World Record Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it hereContinue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, March 6th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, March 6th

6:00. Latest news 6:20. The top 10 SNL skits. Eddie Sab- (203) 882-9757 6:40. The brush with greatness David Biller had with Al Pacino. 7:00. A Connecticut postal employee arrested for delivering mail while under the influence. Cathy Smarz with “This Is Me ~ Inclusion In Our Community” WALK-A-THON details 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A…Continue Reading

Pod Pick: Governor Lamont

Pod Pick: Governor Lamont

Chaz and AJ spoke to Governor Lamont about his broken arm, his reaction to Trump’s speech, the state of PURA and electric bills in Connecticut, and the recent pitch to rename the Long Island sound after Connecticut. Plus, the real reason for his call, the award he’s presenting to Keith Richards, after six years of…Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Wednesday, March 5th

Dumbass News: Wednesday, March 5th

Plan to build a road with radioactive waste in Florida prompts legal challenge against the EPA Woman arrested for stabbing boyfriend after he refused to eat her cooking Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it hereContinue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, March 5th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, March 5th

6:00. What happened in DC last night? Vince Berry in studio 6:20. The top 10 Ozzy Osbourne songs. Andre. (203) 882-9757 6:40. What did everyone give up for lent? 7:00. The lead singer of an 80’s Glam Metal Band suffered a tragedy on a cruise ship. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. Can you guess why a…Continue Reading

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