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Tuesday, April 2: The Tolls Quiz Game And Sex In Public Places
The Tolls Quiz Game (0:00), couple has sex on ferris wheel, and the Tribe’s stories about sex in public places (12:12), Dumb Ass News – man pulled over for driving with a 250 pound pig on his lap (23:27), Anthony Vincent of “Ten Second Songs” talks about his role in “The Dirt” (27:22), Joe Biden’s…… Continue Reading

AJ’s Car of the Day: 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible
Car: Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible ( ** Car shown at Dragone Classic Motorcars in Orange, CT. ) Year: 1959 What makes it special: Introduced late in the 1958 model year, the 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 was added as the top trim level above the Ford Fairlane 500 and offered with the same sedan and hardtop…… Continue Reading

On Today’s Chaz & AJ: Weirdest Junk In CT, We Talk To An Actor In Motley Crue’s “The Dirt” & Adam Sandler Tickets
6:00. Chaz and AJ News. How will you do on the CT Transportation quiz? 6:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20 – 6:50. Where did you have sex in public? Call in for Adam Sandler tickets! 877-764-2535 7:00. Chaz and AJ News. Teacher claims she was fired for a…… Continue Reading

Monday, April 1: Phil STILL Hasn’t Mowed A Lawn! Plus Court Audio And Tournament Talk
Aresimowicz walks back his “moronic” comments (0:00), Tournament Terry breaks down the Final Four (10:13), Dumb Ass News – 32-year-old man has never mowed a lawn before (15:20), and Street Pete’s Court Audio – Sam tried getting into someone else’s car; Jeff evaded police following a fender bender he says was not his fault; and…… Continue Reading

AJ’s Car of the Day: 1988 Dodge Aries K Wagon
Car: Dodge Aries K Wagon Year: 1988 What makes it special: Laugh all you like, but the car we all joked about actually saved the Chrysler Corporation’s ass. By the late 70’s, Chrysler was on the rocks as the oil crisis and outdated car designs sent them there. There was a need for an efficient,…… Continue Reading

On Today’s Chaz & AJ: A Concert Announcement, We Teach Producer Phil How To Use A Lawnmower, Court Audio!
6:00. Chaz and AJ News. Do they have enough votes to pass a toll bill? And the speaker says maybe we’re not morons. Click here to find out who to call to let them know you don’t want tolls! 6:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20 – 6:50. Donna…… Continue Reading

Friday, March 29: Getting Kicked Out Of Concerts, “Avengers” Theories, And Phil’s Never Mowed A Lawn Before
The Tribe calls in stories about getting kicked out of concerts (0:00), Scot Haney calls in and Phil has never mowed a lawn before (15:03), Jason Kurland the “lottery lawyer” explains the proper steps to take after winning a massive jackpot (24:37), the “King of the Nerds” Mitch Hallock talks “Avengers: Endgame” theories (36:19), and…… Continue Reading

AJ’s “Badass Friday” Car of the Day: 1969 Mercury Cougar Eliminator Coupe
Car: Mercury Cougar Eliminator Coupe Year: 1969 What makes it special: Taking a cue from rival manufacturer models like the Chevrolet Camaro Z28 or Mustang Boss 302 and Mustang Mach-1 from their sister company Ford, Mercury boosted their muscle car profile when they released their Eliminator model on the streets for the 1969 model year. It hosted…… Continue Reading

On Today’s Chaz & AJ: Comedian Dom Fig, Alice Cooper Tickets, Boss Keith Top 5
6:00. Chaz and AJ News. The Governor is now engaged in the toll fight. He sent his chief of staff out to take care of it. 6:13. Chaz and AJ Sports Buzzer powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20 – 6:50. Why would Journey sue concert security? Call in how you were kicked out of…… Continue Reading

Thursday, March 28: Baseball Trivia With North Haven’s First Selectman And Concert Updates From Jimmy Koplik
Joe Aresimowicz and Matt Ritter call anyone opposing tolls “moronic” (0:00), AJ’s bizarre Justin Bieber dream and the Tribe’s weirdest dreams (11:24), what would happen if the PowerBall machine malfunctioned (21:43), Dumb Ass News – Florida man dies trying to save his pet pigeon (31:08), North Haven First Selectman Mike Freda takes on the Tribe…… Continue Reading