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PODCAST – Thursday, October 3: Larry The Cable Guy Live In Studio!
Former Navy SEAL sniper Howard Wasdin talks about the real life “Black Hawk Down” incident and the best sniper shot he ever had (0:00), the Bradley Airport plane crash tower audio, plus the pilot that was supposed to be flying, Paul Colella (7:41), Jimmy Koplik talks about KISS (19:03), and Larry the Cable Guy gives…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: October 3
6:00. Plane crash in Hartford. Multiple fatalities. 6:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20. Former Seal Team Six veteran talk about one of their most famous battles. Black Hawk down was based on part of that battle. 6:30 – 6:40. Ashley. Breathalyzer test. Drink one. Drunk stories. 7:00. Bradley Plane crash. Someone who…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Wednesday, October 2: Comedian Will Noonan Stops By, And Why You Shouldn’t Jump Into A Lion Cage
A woman climbed into the lion enclosure at the Bronx Zoo (0:00), comedian Will Noonan’s tweet to Antonio Brown went viral, and he gives clues to the movie he was recently on set for (9:47), Will Noonan talks about getting off of Tinder since meeting his girlfriend, and the strange dates he went on when…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: October 2
6:00. There is only one of its kind in Connecticut’s closing. 6:13. Sports Powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20 – 6:40. Your “Holy S*&%” moment. Call in to be in the running for Deep Purple tickets. 877-764-2535 7:00. Who would win a fight between Elizabeth Warren and Mark Zuckerberg. Comedian Will Noonan in…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Tuesday, October 1: Tiger’s Caddie Joe LaCava In Studio, Today’s New Laws, And Is Bear Hunting Season Coming?
Should Connecticut enact bear hunting season? Trapper Don weighs in (0:00), Tribe identity theft and stolen credit card horror stories (10:48), Themis Klarides explains the new laws and taxes that start today (28:24), Joe LaCava, caddie for Tiger Woods, talks about hecklers and making the Caddie Hall of Fame (40:31), and Thomas Saadi, commissioner for…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: October 1
6:00. Bear hunting becoming legal in Connecticut? 6:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20. – 6:40. Bank stories – have you ever had your credit card info stolen from you? 7:00. New laws you need to know about today from someone who voted on them. Themis Klarides on phone. 7:13. Sports powered by…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Monday, September 30: Bear Attacks CT Hiker And The Governor’s Grocery Tax “Excuse”
Connecticut hiker attacked by a bear, and Chaz and AJ wondered how it went down (0:00), Dave’s amazing story about being pistol whipped, then Wendy follows up with a crazy kidnapping experience (10:50), Governor Lamont’s excuse for the “grocery tax” is a classic (18:47), and we heard from “Nicky Boom” at the Milford Oktoberfest, and…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: September 30
6:00. Hiker injured by a bear in Southbury. 6:13. Sports powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20. How was Chaz and AJ’s Weekend? David Biller is on the phone. 6:30 – 6:40. Amazing stories. Call in with your amazing story for your chance at Deep Purple tickets. 877-764-2535 7:00. Lamont has the best excuse for the…… Continue Reading

PODCAST – Friday, September 27: Larry The Cable Guy And Should Breweries Ban Kids And Dogs?
Gia complains about Fat Orange Cat Brewery banning children and dogs, then the Tribe defends the brewery (0:00), Larry the Cable Guy admits he never made cable guy jokes, was a big fan of Dick Trickle, and considers coming in studio with Chaz and AJ if it means good golfing (13:10), comedian Des Bishop talks…… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: September 27
6:00. Who gave the Governor a rod? 6:13. Sports Powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 6:20 – 6:40. Our Food Fest was a success last night! 7:00. A couple lost a ton of weight by quitting Netflix. 7:13. Sports Powered by Road Ready Used Cars. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A Disneyland acid trip. 7:30. Scot…… Continue Reading