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Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, June 10
7:00 – Joe Della Monica, Retried Milford PD 7:30 – Charles Haas, Titanic International Society 8:00 – CAPTAIN Murgo, East Haven PD 8:10 – Jenn Kuehn, EDGE Fitness 8:20 – Gov. Lamont 9:30 – Seniors 2020 – Austin Jose … Continue Reading
Tuesday, June 9: Joe Meyers on Movies That Aged Poorly, Getting Concerts Back, How Connecticut Graduations Returned
In Dumb Ass News, a woman is suing after spinning around 174 times while being rescued by a helicopter. (0:00) Movie and TV Critic Joe Meyers was on to talk to Chaz and AJ about the movie blockbusters that have not stood up to the test of time. The Big Chill, Star Wars, Avatar,…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, June 9
7:30 – Joe Meyers, Movie Critic….. @joesview on Instagram and Twitter 8:00. Dave with Riverview Bistro 8:10 – Stefanie May, Capital Theatre Asking fans to visit the website and write their reps to tell them they should secure federal funding for independent venues. 8:20 – Comedian Will Noonan Facebook and Twitter: Will Noonan, Instagram: WillNoonanTheComedian 9:00 – Tara…… Continue Reading
Monday, June 8: Chaz’s Hilarious Sun Burn, Dogs Sing on Instagram, “Major Danger” Peanut Butter Karaoke
Chaz’s fiancee, Jennifer was on to rib him about his embarrassing sun burn and admit to eating her own dead skin in the past. (0:00) The singing dogs of Instagram! Chaz and AJ had some audio of two dogs, with different singing abilities. (8:14) AJ, AKA “Major Danger,” takes on peanut butter karaoke. Can he…… Continue Reading
8:00 – First Grade Teacher 8:20 – Dr. Tammy – Podcast: “The Trouble with Sex” 9:00 – Stefanie May, Capital Theatre 9:10 – Todd Simon, Omaha Steaks 9:30 – Seniors 2020 – Rachel Rustemeyer… Continue Reading
Friday, June 5: Viral Arrest Remix, Ashley’s Cavity, Comedian Chuck Nice on Protests and Police Abuse
WFSB’s Roger Susanin, AKA “Big Rog,” talks about restaurant owners pleading with Governor Lamont to open early, and how proud he is of his hair. (0:00) An arrest has gone viral, for a woman dancing and singing to the officer that he’s about to lose his job. The internet seemingly immediately made it into a…… Continue Reading
7:30 – Art Wiknik 8:00 – Jeannine Mollica (Parent of a HS Senior) 8:00 – Education Commissioner Miguel Cardona (@teachcardona on Twitter) 8:30 – Chuck Nice 9:10 – Tom Haynes (BH Care) 9:30 – Seniors 2020 – Joey Okesson 9:45 – Boss Keith… Continue Reading
Thursday, June 4: Foxwoods First Week Open, Cart Narcs, Jimmy Koplik Concert Stories and Updates, Sports Restarting with Drew Brees
Jennifer and Ashley share stories about the odd things they were hit by, Jennifer was pooped on, and Ashley had gum thrown in her hair. (0:00) Rodney Butler from Foxwoods was on to talk about their first week reopening, and how restaurants and shopping will get back to normal. (3:55) Chaz and AJ made…… Continue Reading
7:00 – Rodney Butler, Foxwoods 7:15 – Scot Haney 8:00 – Joe LaChance 8:20 – Jimmy Koplik (Facebook: Jim Koplik Presents Archive) 9:30 – Seniors 2020 – Lexi Pendziwater… Continue Reading
Wednesday, June 3: Governor Lamont’s Thoughts on Protesting During a Pandemic, Ashley’s Toilet Cyclone, Adam Ferrara on Pandemic Freakouts
Governor Lamont was asked yesterday about the protests, and whether or not he worries about the pandemic while demonstrations take place. Plus, Ashley learns the hard way that we’re in the month of June now. (0:00) Ashley’s cellphone fell into a toilet full of pee yesterday, and she thinks she’ll never lick her phone again.…… Continue Reading