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Pod Pick: Brown Roofing’s Raise the Roof Winner!
Chaz and AJ brought Eddie from Brown Roofing in studio this morning, to announce the winner of the Raise the Roof for a Hero. Amber from Naugatuck was on the phone as Eddie announced the good news. … Continue Reading

Monday, March 10: New Details of Gilgo Beach Murders, Stunt or Stupid with Clothespins, Vinnie Brand
The Animal Haven shared a terrible story, a volunteer was attacked by one of their rescue dogs. Plus, attorney John Ray was on the phone with Chaz and AJ to talk about some recent details in the Gilgo Beach murders. (0:00) In Dumb Ass News, a kid calls 911 on mom for eating their…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Monday, March 10th
4-year-old boy calls 911 on his mom for eating his ice cream: ‘Come get my mommy’ Think you have a dumb enough story? Submit it here… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, March 10th
6:00. Dog attack. Vince Berry in studio 6:20. The Top Ten songs with “Woman” in the title. Michelle from Hamden (203) 882-9757 6:40. The very specific request we got from a Tribe member. 7:00. A dog mauls a worker at a local dog shelter, and new details in the Gilgo Beach serial killer case. New…… Continue Reading

Pod Pick: Preparing AJ’s Meat
AJ was gifted a hunk of meat, corned beef from Hummel Bros. But does he know how to prepare it? Eric Hummel was on the phone to help walk AJ through the process. … Continue Reading

Friday, March 7: Trips to the E.R., Worst Things About Being Pregnant
Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe to call in with stories about the dumb things that brought them to the E.R. Fights, sex acts, skateboard accidents, and losing a battle with the squirrels were all shared. (0:00) Boss Keith was out today, so comedian Ayesheh Mae was on the phone to fill in with her…… Continue Reading

Dumbass News: Friday, March 7th
Southwest plane forced to go back to gate as passenger strips naked Man Suing His Brother-in-Law After He Filled His Belly Button with Super Glue… Continue Reading

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, March 7th
6:00. Latest news and FRIDAY!!! Dom Fig in studio 6:20. The top 10 breakfast cereal slogans with AJ (203) 882-9757 6:40. The request we got from a Tribe member 7:00. A cool story about the night the Stones played Toads 7:20. Dumb Ass News. A screaming South West passenger 7:30. Tell us how you made…… Continue Reading

Pod Pick: Nathan Grube from Traveler’s Championship
Chaz and AJ invited Nathan Grube, tournament director for the Traveler’s Championship on the phone this morning to talk about the upcoming PGA season, and how their event has consistently been able to bring in the big talent. Plus, the incredible backstory of Ryan Peake, who went from a jailed biker gang member to on…… Continue Reading

Thursday, March 6: Body Oddities, Jimmy Koplik on Keith Richards and Toad’s 50th
In Dumb Ass News, a man waving a Chucky doll was arrested in Florida. (0:00) A Survivor contestant admitted to having four nipples, so Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe to share their “humble traits,” or body oddities. (6:57) Yesterday, Live Nation’s Jimmy Koplik was at Toad’s Place to celebrate their 50th anniversary, and then…… Continue Reading