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PODCAST – Wednesday, January 19: Crazy Spider Bite Story; Tribe Member Survives Failed Sleeping Giant Rappel; AJ Still Hates Girl Scout Cookies
Chaz and AJ had WFSB Channel 3 reporter Roger Susanin on to talk about the announcement expected by Bob Stefanowski, that he will be running again for governor. (0:00) Trapper Don was on with a crazy story about a spider bite, and the insane doctor he visited to help him with his swollen knee. (3:46)…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, January 19
6:00. A building exploded, collapsed, was engulfed in flames and then the fire department had to pull people out. It happened in the city yesterday. Stamford Fire Chief Tom G on the phone6:20. A guy had a cockroach in his ear for 3 days. What’s your bug story?…Call it in! 877-764-2535 Trapper Don on the…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Tuesday, January 18: The Cowboys Drove Chaz Crazy; Dumb Ass News; NFL Agent Joe Linta Recaps The Football Weekend
Chaz and AJ discuss all the games they watched this weekend, and Chaz had a total meltdown about the Cowboys loss. (0:00) Marcy Jones from Channel 3 WFSB was on to talk about the fatal fentanyl overdose of a 13-year-old in a Hartford school. The state is planning to set up a task force, but…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, January 18
6:00. How about those Cowboys?6:20. What is the very first video to get 10 billion views? 6:30. What’s the most annoying song in the history of the planet? Call in your vote! 877-764-25357:00. Help us fix Connecticut! We’re talking about…Veterans’ license plates. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. What a judge did to a cancer patient for not mowing…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Friday, January 14: This Week’s Flubbles; Scot Haney’s Warning About Monday’s Weather; The Dumb Thing You Did That Made The News
The Flubble Montage from this week just wants to find you and your “hamily” doing well. (0:00) Scot Haney and a co-worker of his decided to join Ashley and admit that they, also have never had Big Mac before. Then, Scot talked about his tie, the other unused items from his wardrobe, and gave a…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, January 14
6:00. Joe Biden made an important Covid announcement.6:20. How’s your “Hamily?” …and other flubbles from this week. The Flubble montage!6:30. Survival myths that are WRONG!7:00. The secret to long life is….?7:20. Dumb Ass News. Pot brownies end up in a senior citizen center.7:30. Channel 3’s Scot Haney. How is his love life?8:00. NFL agent Joe…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Thursday, January 13: Rejected CT Vanity Plates; Concert Announcements; Colin Quinn Returns
Chaz and AJ learned that a local resident will be attending the Super Bowl! Tori from Pack Leaders Rescue was on to talk about Lulu, one of the puppy participants in this year’s Puppy Bowl. (0:00) Dumb Ass News – A YouTuber attended an open-mic city council meeting, and decided to deliver his message about…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, January 13
6:00. Ronnie Spector dies at 78. 6:20. The vanity plates rejected by the Connecticut DMV. 6:30. Have you had a license plate request rejected? Or cool plate you saw? Call it in at 877-764-2535!7:00. Local Connecticut puppies going to the puppy bowl! Tori from Pack Leaders Rescue of Connecticut in East Hartford.7:20. Dumb Ass News. An electric…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Wednesday, January 12: Woman Walked Through Snowstorm To Deliver Baby; The Most Anticipated Movies And TV Of 2022
A mom walked a quarter mile, through the woods, and a snowstorm, to deliver her baby. Chaz and AJ talked about all the details of the incredible story, and couldn’t even fathom the strength it took her to do that, since they struggle to deal with the simplest pain. (0:00) Movie critic Joe Meyers shared…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, January 12
6:00. Will teachers be wearing red or black today? And what does it mean? Roger Susanin from Channel 3. 6:20. A mom hikes a quarter-mile through a snowstorm to deliver a baby.6:30. Call in your bad ass mom story! The bad ass mom could be you or your mom! 877-764-2535! 6:40. Everyone on gets in…… Continue Reading