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PODCAST – Wednesday, February 9: The Worst Thing To Happen To AJ; Connecticut Mom’s Son Is In The Winter Olympics; The Craziest Prop Bets For The Big Game
AJ is back! After a successful surgery and recovery, he returned to the studio this morning and had a list of people to thank. Plus, the worst thing that has ever happened to him, and it was not any of his 250 hernias. (0:00) Dee Eggert was on to talk about her son, Zachary Donohue,…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, February 9
6:00. What is CT “prevalence rate?”6:20. AJ would like to thank the following people…6:30. AJ describes his hospital experiences. Call yours in at 877-764-25357:00. Your kid gets to compete in the Olympics and you have to stay home. Dee Eggert’s son Zachary is an ice dancer in the 2022 Olympics!7:20. Dumb Ass News. A guy who…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Tuesday, February 8: Best Places For Big Game Food In CT; Mask Mandates Going Away; Tips From A Dating Coach
Since the Super Bowl is approaching, and there have already been warnings about sold-out food orders on the day of the game, the Tribe called in their favorite food items from local places in Connecticut. (0:00) Vin Candelora was on to talk about the Governor nixing mask mandates in schools, and also shared his extensive…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, February 8
Comedian Alyssa Goggi is in for AJ! 6:00. How many fights at school does it take for a letter to go out. Hello?6:20. Where to get the best Super Bowl half time food and what to order?6:30. Call in at 877-764-2535!7:00. The Connecticut mask mandate is dead. Did it die of Covid? State Rep Vincent…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Monday, February 7: Naked Man Lives In Car Trunk; The Grossest Used Items; The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Debate
Dumb Ass News – A naked man lived for three days in this woman’s trunk, before she found him and recorded the bizarre interaction. (0:00) A couple bought a used couch, only to find a lifetime of nail clippings in the cushions. The Tribe called in their horror stories with getting used items. (7:57) A…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, February 7
Comedian Alyssa Goggi in for AJ! 6:00. The emergency rooms were busy over the weekend and not because of Covid. Dr. Ron Clark.6:20. A cruise ship dumped its passengers to escape the law. 6:30. Call in your vacation nightmare…877-764-2535! Everyone on gets in the running for tickets to a show that will be announced at 9…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Friday, February 4: The Week In Flubbles; Phil’s Kitchen Fail; Scot Haney On Today’s Ice Storm
The Flubble Montage! AJ missed most of this week, but graciously filled plenty of the montage before departing with a medical emergency. Plus, Chaz invented a new sandwich. (0:00) Phil had a meltdown in his kitchen this week trying out a new recipe, and tried to blame it on the person who shared the recipe.…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, February 4
Comedian Alyssa Goggi in for AJ! 5:30. Mitch Hallock’s (aka: The King of the Nerds) Top 10. He is creator of Terrificon and CT Gamer Con. 6:00. Should we worry about this ice storm? 6:20. Possibly the shortest Flubble montage in the history of the world. 6:30. Cooking nightmares. 6:40. Call in your cooking nightmare…877-764-2535! Everyone…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Thursday, February 3: The Longest Lightning Strike Ever; A Connecticut Concert Announcement; Quinnipiac Hockey Coach Rand Pecknold
A teacher was arrested after a video went public of her grabbing a student by the hair. Chaz asked teachers to call in to find out why this is the fourth teacher arrest and how bad it is in classrooms now. (0:00) Nick the Science Guy was on to breakdown the longest recorded lightning strike,…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, February 3
Comedian Alyssa Goggi in for AJ 6:00. Teachers gone wild. Or is it the students? 6:20. Rock Hall of Fame nominees. Who doesn’t fit, and why?6:40. Call in at 877-764-2535!7:00. The license plates that even Florida rejected. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. Dumb Ass criminal week. Former Hartford Detective Chris Lyons. 7:30. What 60% of men want. Are…… Continue Reading