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PODCAST – Wednesday, September 28: Discontinued Foods That Should Return; Dee Wallace; AJ Rants About Phil’s Memory
A list on the internet started a back and forth between Chaz and AJ about the discontinued food items that should be brought back. Everyone agreed McDonald’s should immediately go back to deep-frying their apple pies, then Amber called in with an item completely out of left field. (0:00) Dee Wallace played the mother in…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, September 28
6:00. Where are we at with the hurricane heading to Florida? 6:20. The now discontinued foods from your childhood that you’d give anything to eat again. What’s your vote? Call it in: 877-764-2535 6:40. AJ parody. 7:00. Halloween was over before it even began. This was found in Connecticut candy. Also, Newlyweds Andrew Hodge and…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Tuesday, September 27: Best Movies Of 1986; Lorin Richardson Of WFSB
Joe Meyers the movie guy was on to talk about the best movies of 1986. “Top Gun” was the top draw at the box office, but Joe had 9 other movies he thinks are still really good today. (0:00) Lorin Richardson of WFSB was in studio for the first time this morning, and shared a…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Tuesday, September 27
6:00. When is this storm going to hit Florida? 6:20. How the Russians tortured a soldier is pretty brutal. 6:30. Call in with the song you hate the most! 877-764-2535 7:00. A follow up on the dog that was stolen in Wallingford. Andrew the Pet Store Manager on the phone. Lorin Richardson from WFSB in studio. …… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Monday, September 26: How Many Marshmallows Can AJ Catch In His Mouth?; Comedian Dane Cook; Stump The Chumps
Can AJ break a World Record? Probably not, since he doubted his own chances immediately. Chaz and AJ made the attempt anyway, over 77 marshmallows caught in his mouth in under a minute. (0:00) Comedian Dane Cook was on to talk about his new comedy special, taped from his own home. Dane also disagrees that…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Monday, September 26
6:00. Sound on Sound’s second day went way better than the first day. 6:20. How hard is it to shoot a target over 4 miles away? A former Marine sniper explains. 6:30. 7:00. How the hell do you stream the Yankee games? People are mad. And the weekend in football. NFL agent Joe Linta. 7:20.…… Continue Reading
PODCAST – Friday, September 23: This Week’s Flubbles; The Worst Political Ad Ever; Dating App Mistakes Men Make
This week in Flubbles featured every member of the show, but was clearly dominated by AJ. (0:00) Attorney Matt Maddox called in to talk about the latest from Waterbury courts, where Alex Jones took the stand and fought with the judge and the prosecutor. (3:50) Dumb Ass News – Political ads are popping up all…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Friday, September 23
5:30. Chaz and AJ Window Nation Top 10. Top 10 Movies with “Star” in Title. #1 was Star Wars. 6:00. Have public schools taken a turn? 6:20. Let’s play “What did AJ just say?” for Adam Sandler tickets. Call in and you get in the running to win… 877-764-2535. Also, this week’s Flubble montage! 6:30. A…… Continue Reading
Thursday, September 22: Puppy Theft In Wallingford; A Squirrel Loose In The Office; The 83-Year-Old Skydiver
What kind of dirtbag steals a puppy? It happened in Wallingford, Andrew the store manager shared all that he knew about the theft, and how to get in touch if you have information about where to find Waldo the puppy. (0:00) As a continuation from yesterday, Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe to share the…… Continue Reading
Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Thursday, September 22
6:00. What is Putin’s deal? 6:20. People we hate – Part 2. Call in the people you hate at 877-764-2535. 7:00. Who the hell would steal a puppy?! It happened in Wallingford. Let’s find this guy!! Andrew the pet store manager calling in. 7:20. Dumb Ass News. The most epic zoom call meltdown. 7:30. She jumps…… Continue Reading