Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe which cars have the worst drivers, and got a wide range of answers. DOT spokesperson Josh Morgan was able to hit the number one vehicle with little hesitation. (0:00)
Channel 3 WFSB’s Scot Haney was on the phone with Chaz and AJ this morning to talk about his Valentine’s Day plans, and how he was able to lose over 30 pounds. (13:40)
A Waterbury police officer is recovering after being shot during an investigation, and a neighbor witnessed some of the incident. Rob Rotondo was on the phone to share what he heard and what he saw. (31:34)
“Becoming Led Zeppelin” is in theaters today, and director Bernard MacMahon was on the phone to talk about the five years he spent putting the film together. (42:45)
Boss Keith had his Top 5 takeaways from the Super Bowl, and someone everything came back to Tom Brady. (50:38)