Yesterday, Chaz ranted about the Dept. of Consumer Protection cracking down on Super Bowl squares. Today, commissioner Bryan Cafferelli was on the phone with Chaz and AJ to explain the missing pieces of information from that announcement. (0:00)
In Dumb Ass News, an ice cream truck in Las Vegas is causing concern in their local neighborhood, thanks to artwork that is leading folks to think they will be deported. (16:19)
Comedian Emily Siero was in studio this morning, and shared a story that after a recent visit to the gym, she was offered money for her used, sweaty socks. Some Tribe members called in, and admitted to making quite a bit of money by doing exactly this. (25:59)
AJ was granted a Christmas redo this morning, since he spent the whole day and holiday in the ICU, recovering from surgery. Cookies, Santa, gifts and a big ole sangweech to celebrate. (39:15)
New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart was on the phone with Chaz and AJ this morning to talk to Chaz and AJ about her exploratory run for Governor. During her call, Chaz made another call to Bob Stefanowski that potentially produced a bit of a road block. (57:46)