6:00. What else happened this weekend besides the Super Bowl?
6:20. The Top 10 Super Bowl 58 Moments with Vince. (203) 882-9757
7:00. Best and worst commercials from last night.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. 8 years trying to break a world record and this dumbass used the wrong matches.
Manny Sierra in studio
7:30. Stunt or Stupid. The Wedgie Spelling Bee.
7:40. The Tribe calls in the words.
8:00. Up next, a guy who believes the NFL is scripted.
8:40. Sports guy Jason Page
9:00. What was Super Bowl weekend like in Vegas? Jen G. aka @VegasStarfish went to all the parties.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Stump the Chumps. Jerry Maguire trivia. Jim Norton tickets. (203) 882-9757