6:00. Some bad news on Long Island Sound this weekend. Tom G from the Stamford Fire Department on the phone.
6:20. Audio from opening day at Fenway. Someone’s favorite opening day memory was witnessing a fight!
6:30. Call in the worst fight YOU witnessed at 877-764-2535. Everyone on gets in the running for Kiss tickets!
7:00. A guy barricaded himself in his house in Milford with a booby trap! Officer Marilisa Anania from the Milford Police on the phone.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. What Sox fans want to say to Yankee fans. Matt Lawlor, host of “The People of Boston” Podcast
7:30. AJ’s head banging karaoke party. Can we stump AJ?
8:00. A mechanic found art worth millions in a dumpster. The rescuer of the Hines Collection, Jared Whipple, is on the phone. There is art exhibit at Hollis Taggart Gallery in Southport, CT on May 5.
8:20. Bus stop perspective with Jimmy Rap. “Romeo’s Bleeding,” The Bon Jovi Experience, is playing April 30 at “TCB Bar and Billiards” in North Haven. 9:00. Army veteran and former White House Chef Andre Rush.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Dumb Ass News. A teacher accidentally set a student on fire.
9:30. The Chaz and AJ Biller Associates Public Insurance Adjusters Great Grocery Giveaway.