6:00. Pete Dameron performed a dramatic rescue at a house fire in Willimantic yesterday. He works for Griswold Public Works.
6:20. What’s the odd thing you saw while doing work at someone’s house? Call it in! 877-764-2535
7:00. Serge is live from Ukraine. How close are the Russians? And does he have anything to defend himself with?
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Drug suspect tells police his syringes were for fishing.
7:30. AJ’s new parody song.
7:40. CEO Jeff Warshaw. Where we going to eat today. Hello?
8:00. Wacky insurance claims.
8:20. Movie crushes and obsessions! Movie Critic Joe Meyers. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter….@joesview
9:00. Police Department Officer Steve Torquati and Fire Department Officer John Twohill are having a battle! The 25th Chief’s Cup Hockey Games are this weekend! For tickets: call Mark DeCola at 203-671-6922 or email Mark at [email protected] 9:20. Dumb Ass News. “Robin Williams” is on the phone! You can buy tickets to the Robin Williams tribute show HERE!