6:00. How high are the gas prices going to get? Hello? Does AJ know?
6:20. Love songs we took the wrong way.
6:30. Misunderstood love songs.
6:40. Call in at 877-764-2535!
7:00. When does the state mandatory mask rule end?
7:20. Dumb Ass News. A mayor said ice fishing could lead to prostitution.
7:30. A Connecticut murder case that became a block buster movie. Attorney Norm Pattis.
7:40. More announcements for the “Sound on Sound festival in Bridgeport.”
8:00. News.
8:20. Everything regarding Sound on Sound. The acts. The packages. The VIP, the on sale dates. With Jimmy Koplik from Live Nation, President of the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater Howard Saffan and Jordan Wolowitz with Sound on Sound. You know Jordan’s work from Governors Ball.
8:30. The acts. The packages. The insane dates.
9:00. Rian Kanouff – A guy who planning to set a world record parachuting naked has hit a snag. You can donate to his cause HERE
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Matt Lawlor, Host of “The People of Boston Podcast”