6:00. The snow and the games.
6:20. If Connecticut was a giant house party and every town was a person.
6:30. Which person would your town be, and what would they be doing? Call it in! 877-764-2535
7:00. DOT Commissioner Joe Giulietti on how the state did with the storm this past weekend. And the Governor who held his dogs ass up and said kiss it during a speech.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Dumb Ass Criminal week: Captain Murgo with the East Haven Police Department.
7:30. Dumb Ass News continues from Seymour, Connecticut. Tim Willis, Seymour Fire Marshal and Fire Department Public Information Officer, on the phone.
7:40. Seemed like a good idea at the time for Tom Popa.
8:00. The recent football games and… what happened with Tom Brady? How does that rumor get out? NFL Agent Joe Linta.
8:20. How a fake West Haven Facebook page had everyone in the city freaking out during the storm. West Haven Mayor Nancy Rossi and West Haven Public Works Commissioner Tom McCarthy.
8:30. A guy loses his garage doors in the storm. Public Insurance Adjuster David Biller.
9:00. How is your life as compared to a 1916 Billionaire? On the phone… Don Boudreaux, Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Senior Fellow at George Mason’s Mercatus Center.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Dumb Ass Criminal Week: swipe left for meth.