6:00. The Mayoral Race in West Haven is not over!
6:20. Wedding weirdness. Any wedding story we can classify as weird gets you in the running for Journey and Toto tickets. May 11 at the XL center. Call it in! 877-764-2535
7:00. Official Announcement: The Chaz and AJ ‘McDermott Chevrolet and Lexus of New Haven’ Toy Drive is happening on Friday, December 10 at Jordan’s Furniture in New Haven!!!!!!!
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Why did a band have to apologize for its lead singer.
7:30. What’s the oddest thing about the people in our lives? He is promoting his art exhibit at the Stanley Whitman house in Farmington, “Embracing Strange.” Professor Andy Morgan from the University of New Haven.
8:00. TV Weather guy announces his retirement after 43 years. Bruce on phone. And… A first responder talks about the bizarre things he’s heard on calls.
8:20. Liara Roux, A sex worker and author of “Whore of New York: A Confession”
9:00. A 105 year old breaks the 100 meter record. And… Southbury First Selectman Jeff Manville. You can donate HERE!
9:20. Dumb Ass News. A woman walks into a lion enclosure.