6:00. Where are we on the list of happiest states?
6:20. Ghost Hunter Sean Austin.
6:40. A lady slept near a dead body for weeks and didn’t know it.
7:00. A Politician arrested, Federal investigators, piles of money. What the hell is going on in West Haven? Hello? Does AJ know? Jodi Latina on the phone.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. An Official thinks emergency sirens should be replaced because they a too scary.
7:30. The odd place Dr Dre was served divorce papers. Attorney Norm Pattis with odd places people have been served.
8:00. They may have found the missing boyfriend of the murdered Long Island Girl. How does a scene like that get processed. Brian Foley.
8:20. Jimmy Koplik. Who’s playing the music festivals in Bridgeport? Stories that came out during Jimmy’s Palace show? Any discussions about 2022 shows.
8:40. This day in Connecticut concert history…
9:00. East Haven Mayor Joe Carfora. Rocky Horror Picture Show on the East Haven town green this Saturday, October 23. It’s free! (Rain Date: October 30)
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Why would you put candy corn in this beautiful piece of meat.
9:30. AJ’s parody