6:00. News.
6:20. What do EMT’s see? Robert the EMT on phone.
6:30 – 6:40. EMT stories…Or odd things you’ve seen at work. Call at 877-764-2535
7:00. If a woman is being attacked by a coyote, please put your phone down and help.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. A fist fight over loud chewing.
7:30. Rivers Cuomo from Weezer calls into the show!
8:00. How much money to send your kid back to school? And parents don’t care.
8:20. What will be the name of Jimmy Koplik’s club at the HHC Amphitheater.
8:30. Jimmy’s take on the new Woodstock movie.
9:00. News. Vince Santilli, Executive Director for “Homes for the Brave,” on phone. You can register for the “Step Out for the Brave” 40,000 step challenge HERE! Every step you take helps a homeless veteran.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Another celebrity says they don’t bathe their kid.