6:00. There’s a chicken wing shortage and this place has a potential solution.
6:20. Mike Reiss of ‘The Simpsons’ talks about how he loves Connecticut even though it doesn’t seem like it.
6:30. Throwback Thursday. Crazy commercials.
7:00. Harrison Ford injured while filming Indiana Jones 5.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Rescue workers save inflatable doll from drowning. And…Online reviews reveal that what we are about to do is a bad idea.
7:30. Previously on Chaz and AJ… we tried the sourest sour ball candy in the world. NOW…. it’s Phil’s turn!
8:00. A landscaper named Arben, from AB Landscape, saved multiple people from a condo fire in Shelton.
8:20. Jimmy Koplik. Concert updates and Elton John news.
8:30 – 9:00. Your concert questions. Call them in!…And Jimmy’s live reaction to the new Journey single.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Bad things happens when you’re a dumb Ass with fireworks.
9:30. Tom Haynes. The “Chaz and AJ Haynes Group Classic Car Show.”