Karenna Alexander is a dating coach, and has a very different idea for how long you should wait to have sex with a person you just started seeing. Chaz and Ashley were in disagreement, and Trapper Don called in to talk about his brand new girlfriend. (0:00)
Dumb Ass News – Jessica Simpson admitted that it wasn’t until she started quarantining, that she knew she owned a dishwasher. (14:40)
New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker was on the phone to talk about Vice President Kamala Harris visiting his city tomorrow. He sounded more stressed at the end of the call, after realizing he may have to buy a gift. (19:52)
Live Nation’s Jimmy Koplik was on to share the latest news on concerts in Connecticut, but didn’t have a specific time frame that they might start. He did announce a show will be canceled tomorrow, and admitted he has no interest in doing “socially distant” concerts. (30:26)
Image Credit: REUTERS/Erin Scott