6:00. There was a Facebook speed bump for us in trying to find answers in the New Canaan Mom case.
6:13. Sports Powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
6:20 – 6:40. Dr. Erik Waldman from Yale is in the studio. The odd things he has removed from children. Call in with your stories to win tickets to our Monthly Meal at Brewport in Bridgeport. 877-764-2535
7:00. Will the state have to return the items they seized in the missing mom case? Attorney Maddox is on the phone.
7:13. Sports Powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. The best news bloopers from last month.
7:30 – 7:40. How did AJ do on his lie detector test. Chief Chute from New Britain is on the phone!
8:00. What are the similarities between the missing mom case and the last big Connecticut Murder mystery. Pat O’Neil is on the phone – he broke the Wood-chipper case in the 1980’s!
8:13. Sports Powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
8:20 – 8:40. Dr. Jon is in studio. Inappropriate behavior you’ve witnessed and why people do it.
9:13. Sports Powered by Road Ready Used Cars.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Fred Garrity is in studio to talk about Camp Hope Connecticut.