Thursday, March 20: Revisiting the Vanilla Ice Moment, Cooking Hacks with Chef Gerry, Jimmy Koplik’s Best Live Album

Thursday, March 20: Revisiting the Vanilla Ice Moment, Cooking Hacks with Chef Gerry, Jimmy Koplik’s Best Live Album

Chaz and AJ revisited yesterday’s Vanilla Ice interview, and caught a moment they originally missed, where he very nearly hung up. (0:00) 

In Dumb Ass News, Chaz and AJ examine the weapon of choice in a Florida assault; the Pringles can. (9:03) 

Chef Gerry from Encore by Goodfellas was in studio with Chaz and AJ this morning, to share some cooking hacks from a career spent in professional kitchens. (14:53) 

Live Nation’s Jimmy Koplik joined Chaz and AJ this morning, and shared a little bit of news about Lynyrd Skynyrd and Five Finger Death Punch. Plus, the Tribe called in to try and guess Jimmy’s all-time favorite live album. (29:37)