Tuesday, March 11: 9-Year-Old Non-Hero, Crazy Lady Road Rage, Emily’s Blind Date with the Milk Daddy

Tuesday, March 11: 9-Year-Old Non-Hero, Crazy Lady Road Rage, Emily’s Blind Date with the Milk Daddy

Chaz and AJ had audio from a news report, of a 9-year-old performing the Heimlich manuever on his choking friend at school. Despite the potentially life-saving decision, Chaz says this kid is no hero. (0:00) 

In Dumb Ass News, a woman was set off by a simple honk, and jumped onto the windshield of another car while threatening to kill the driver. (14:42)  

A debate has broken out online, between social media influencers and state rep Josh Elliott. Josh was on with Chaz and AJ to explain the proposal is not really about influencers, and is instead a protective measure for consumers. (23:09) 

Comedian Emily Siero was in studio this morning, to talk about her first ever blind date. Brendan the milkman had called in to Chaz and AJ to invite her out, and Vince Berry was there to chaperone. So, how did it go? (38:06)