6:00. Have you ever been arrested for threatening someone?
6:20. For Friday the 13th. The Top Ten things that could cause bad luck with AJ (203) 882-9757
7:00. Folks protesting their electric rates get mocked by the politicians that are responsible.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. What would you do if a guy did this to your car with a cucumber?
7:30. All the dirty stuff a girl wanted to do with Vince. Plus Al in the Shed and his ex attempt to give Vince relationship advice
8:00. How you can help veterans who really need it while entertaining your kids.
Scot Haney checks in.
8:20. Your indiscretion confession could get you Kings of Leon tickets. (203) 882-9757
9:00. What are the six most anticipated movies this fall? Game Spot’s Chris Hayner.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Peeing on the candles at the Dollar Tree.
9:30. Boss Keith’s Top 5 Annual Why Fall Sucks