Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, June 19th

Chaz and AJ Show Rundown: Wednesday, June 19th

6:00. JT busted! It ain’t no lie, he got a DUI.

6:20. The top 10 Robin Williams movies with Ashley Baylor. (203) 882-9757

7:00. What’s it like being an elementary school principal? We have a Principal of the Year on and he’s from Cheshire.

7:20. Dumb Ass News. A man knocked over a Port-O-Potty with a mom and kid inside.

Vince Berry in studio.

7:30. Vince’s personal life needs our attention.

8:00. Secret service robbed by gun point.

8:20. What did actor Ian McKellen scream after he fell on an audience member?

8:30. Call in the time you were injured in front of people. (203) 882-9757

9:00. Karate Kid celebrates 40 years. Where did the Mr. Miyagi come from? We have a guy.

9:20. Dumb Ass News. A woman killed a guy for being sloppy.

9:30. Stump the Chumps. NBA Championships trivia. Win Impractical Jokers tickets. (203) 882-9757