6:00. The sound of baseball history being made.
6:20. Her young brother was murdered by Jeffery Dahmer – Rita Isbell is on the phone. What’s her reaction to the new Netflix series?
6:30. It’s National “be nice” day.
7:00. Bob Stefanowski is doing something very different tomorrow.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Strange odor turns out to be 700 of these…
7:30. The 22 caliber killings of the East Harlem purple gang. Author and Mob Researcher Scott Deitche is on the phone. You can purchase his book, “Hitmen: The Mafia, Drugs, and the East Harlem Purple Gang,” HERE!
7:40. The rise of the mob in Jersey. We’re any of the characters in the Sopranos based on real life?
8:00. A wild happening at a Connecticut youth football game sent one person to the hospital and another to jail. Norwalk Mayor Rilling on the phone.
8:20. Crazy sports parents! Do you have a story? Call it in! 877-764-2535
9:00. Comedian TJ Miller – From Dead Pool to Disney. From comedy to juggling. His latest stand-up special called “Dear Jonah” was released on YouTube on September 29.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. A family brawl over unmarked Chinese takeout
9:30. Your chance to win a ninety nine dollar gas card, courtesy of Chevrolet of Milford.