5:30. Chaz and AJ Window Nation Top 10. Top 10 Notorious Cowboys and Outlaws. #1 was Billy the Kid.
6:00. A Connecticut guy got popped for doing 160 miles an hour.
6:20.. Speeding stories. How fast you were going and what it cost you? What tickets did you get, what are the excuses that worked, etc.! Call in your story at 877-764-2535! Everyone on gets in the running for ZZ Top Tickets.
6:30. How does a car end up on top of another car? It happened in New Haven yesterday. Our friend Brian Averna was there.
7:00. Do you have what it takes to be a bus driver? Steve Gardner from All-Star Transportation on the phone.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Fancy feast is opening a pop up restaurant for humans.
7:30. Auction Items for the “Chaz and AJ Maritime Chevrolet STAND UP FOR VETS.” The King of Sports Memorabilia, Brandon Steiner, on the phone. Call in to bid!!! 877-764-2535
8:00. Bank robber, speeding tickets and murder. Attorney Norm Pattis.
8:20. Can Chaz and AJ be cops? Sean Cassidy, Owner and Founder of CHIP, in the studio.
9:00. Don Shubert, President of the Connecticut Construction Industries Association, in studio with a generous donation.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Shawn from the Cat Figurine “Mewseum” on the phone.
9:30. Allan Cetrone, Co-Owner of Woodbury Brewing Company. You can buy tickets to their live shows HERE!