6:00. Catalytic converter thefts made kids late for school yesterday. And Peter Berube talks about what it like being a chef at the White House. He is promoting the 7th annual Milford Moves for our Veterans on Sunday, June 19. To register, visit milfordmoves.com
6:20. Jason Bonham talks about his show with Sammy Hagar this Friday in Bridgeport.
7:00. Some airliners in the U.S. are being fueled by used French fry oil.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. They almost died having sex.
7:30. What do your weirdo dreams mean. Spiritual Psychic “ElectraSoul.”
7:40. Call in your weirdo dreams! 877-764-2535
8:00. The Governor says it’s cool to smoke weed.
8:20. This guy can read and say any word backwards! Brian Vernes in studio with Chaz and AJ!
9:00. News.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Who’s the dumb ass in this Disney story.
9:30. If you can stump the show, you win a pair of tickets to see Alice Cooper! Call in your question at 877-764-2535.