6:00. Escaped convict and prison boss captured.
6:20. Do you have any nursing stories?….Nightmares? Funny? Call them in! 877-764-2535
6:30. Everyone on gets in the running for Sammy Hagar tickets at the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater in Bridgeport.
7:00. 2022 Plainville Hot Air Balloon Festival Canceled. Erica from the Plainville Fire Department on the phone.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. The knocking was coming from inside the casket.
7:30. Employment Attorney Bob Mitchell in studio with Chaz and AJ.
8.00. Trooper First Class Pedro Muniz from the CT State Police on the phone. They arrested the guy who allegedly caused the Big Green Pizza Truck accident. Also, Coach Brent Thompson from the Bridgeport Islanders.
8:20. Who can help AJ with wedding etiquette? Phil’s wedding is Saturday!
9:00. How grossed out will AJ be by viewing some of the ugliest feet on the planet? Dr. Brad Schaeffer
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Rock photographer Neil Zlozower. Julien’s Auctions is hosting an auction of his photography called “F U ROCK N ROLL PORTRAITS” – everyone is flipping the bird! Plus: Chevrolet of Milford Tank A Day in May.