6:00. You ever put a car where it was not meant to be? This Connecticut guy did.
6:20. Snake handler dead. Guess how!
6:30. Call in the dumb thing thing that should’ve gotten you killed… 877-764-2535! Everyone on gets in the running for tickets to see Journey tickets at the XL center.
7:00. Atty Norm Pattis on the phone to talk about the potential overturning of Roe v Wade.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. The ex-husband who is being sold off with his ex wife’s home.
7:30. Attorney Katie Leonard – She is a divorce attorney with the one occupation guys should stay away from in a spouse.
7:40. Atty Leonard explains the occupations should women steer clear of.
8:00. Bozzi from Live Nation with an awesome ticket announcement reminder.
8:20. ASMR content creator, Meely.
9:00. What’s going on at Derby City Hall? Why are they closed? The Mayor on the phone. And.. Eliot from Jordan’s Furniture.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. A Connecticut guy gets stuck in a wall while hiding from law enforcement.
9:30. Chaz and AJ Chevrolet of Milford Tank-A-Day in May.