6:00. Guess which rocker just quit smoking after over 50 years?
6:20. The Rolling Stones are back on the road!
6:30. Do you have dog damage stories? Call them in at 877-764-2535! Everyone on gets in the running for Steve Miller Tickets! They are coming to the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater on Friday, July 29.
7:00. A high school coach gets suspended for restraining an armed student.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. What a border agent found in one guys pants.
7:30. Word association can tell us a lot about your mental state. Dr. Tammy. Her new book: “Open Monogamy – A Guide to Co-Creating Your Ideal Relationship Agreement”
8:00. When will the real estate market settle down? Johnathan Carbutti.
8:20. One of the greatest movies ever made is celebrating a bday today. Actor Gianni Russo.
9:00. A local snowmobiler had a horrible accident and needs our help. His friend, Matt Roberts, is on the phone. You can help by donating to his GO FUND ME PAGE.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.