6:00. How’s the Connecticut mask mandate doing hello?
6:20. The Flubble Montage! Can AJ make more flubbles in three days than the rest of us in five?
6:30. Lots of people will be going to work tired and hung over on Monday. Things you shouldn’t do the Monday after the Super Bowl… get brain surgery. What else?
7:00. Do the Olympic parents have any contact with their kids during the games? Rick Santos on the phone. He is a parent of Fairfield Olympian, Kristen Santos.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. A bus driver is fired for being too short.
7:30. Channel 3’s Scot Haney.
8:00. The greatest national anthem performance in Super Bowl history has a sad anniversary today. Whitney Houston died on Feb. 11 in 2012. Dawna Kaufmann on the phone – she is an expert on high-profile celebrity deaths. You can buy her book about JFK HERE!
8:45. Comedian Jim Norton. He’s coming to Foxwoods on Feb. 19 – tickets HERE!
9:00. Jason Page on the Super Bowl
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Can AJ make more flubbles in three days than the rest of us and five?
9:30. Boss Keith’s Top 5. The top 5 big news items of the week… for him.