6:00. Snow? Or Snow!!
6:20. Almost 60% of Americans have an idea they think would be big on Shark Tank. What’s your invention or business idea?
6:30. Everyone on gets in the running for Mammoth WVH tickets…March 27th at Toads Place! Call in at 877-764-2535
7:00. How do we get Veterans license plates to our Veterans for free?
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Taco Bell employee gives angry customer his number and pretends to be the complaint center.
7:30. Dawna Kaufmann worked with Betty White and has a theory on Bob Saget’s death that hasn’t been publicly discussed.
7:40. She wrote a book that investigates JFK’s death, “The JFK Assassination Dissected.”
8:00. What’s the issue with 5G roll out and airliners? ‘Nick the Science Guy’ from the CT Science Center. And another CT dog is going to the Puppy bowl! Lisa from PAWS in Norwalk
8:20. Info on the rescheduled Kiss date at Xfinity. And is Mammoth WVH sold out yet? Concert God Jimmy Koplik.
8:30. Today is the 15th anniversary of the implosion of the New Haven Coliseum.
8:40. What happened on this day in Connecticut concert history?
9:00. A cat sings Ozzy.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.