6:00. Ronnie Spector dies at 78.
6:20. The vanity plates rejected by the Connecticut DMV.
6:30. Have you had a license plate request rejected? Or cool plate you saw? Call it in at 877-764-2535!
7:00. Local Connecticut puppies going to the puppy bowl! Tori from Pack Leaders Rescue of Connecticut in East Hartford.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. An electric company apologizes for ideas on ways to safe on energy costs.
7:30. The dumb idea you or your company had to apologize for.
7:40. Everyone on gets in the running for Boston Calling tickets. 877-764-2535
8:00. The secret to living past a hundred includes Big Macs.
8:20. Big announcement from Toads yesterday. CT Concert God Jimmy Koplik.
8:40. On this day in Connecticut concert history.
9:00. Super-Comedian Colin Quinn. “Colin Quinn: The Last Best Hope” Show is at The Wall Street Theatre in Norwalk this Saturday on January 15! You can purchase your tickets HERE! 9:20. Dumb Ass News. A woman gets home from shopping and finds her car empty.
9:30. Terry Glaze from Pantera.