6:00. How much snow are we supposed to get? Hello? Does AJ know?
6:20. The first Flubble Montage of 2022. How did AJ do? Hello?
6:30. Chaz’s Covid update.
7:00. How are the roads. Hello? Does DOT Commissioner Joseph Giulietti know? Hello? Also, why would you need a permit to feed the homeless? Judge Lisa Wexler on the phone.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Two guys hit the lottery for $5 million but won’t see a dime.
7:30. Channel 3’s Scot Haney. Snow… and Ashley’s wedding dress!
8:00. Sacred Heart Academy has disciplined their coach for beating Lyman Hall High School in a basketball game. Patriot Pete on the phone.
8:20. AJ’s magically disappearing belly button.
9:00. A woman used her nursing skills to survive for 5 days after her car slid off of a road and down a cliff. Her daughter, Amanda McFarland, on the phone. Their GoFundMe page is HERE!
9:20. Dumb Ass News. The first flubble montage of 2022.
9:30. Boss Keith’s first top five of 2022 and he’s not in the room!