6:00. The most dramatic water rescue I’ve ever seen. Tom G, from the Stamford FD, on the phone.
6:20. Toy drive update. Auction and donations.
6:30. Ever injured by a toy? Call it in! 877-764-2535
7:00. A new Chaz and AJ rap song will be revealed at the Toy Drive tomorrow by Julian (aka PARADOX). He needs our help building it. Check out his book: “Born to Brawl: Gaining a Fighter’s Edge in Business and Life.” His YouTube Channel is PARADOX BX. Also- Jen Tavella from Trinity Point Wealth.
7:20. Dumb Ass news. Some thing no one wants to hear a flight attendant say.
7:30. It’s about time. New Christmas songs. I hope they are awesome.
8:00. Is there a Christmas tree shortage. This guy says no. Also- is this bit tomorrow going to get us in trouble? State Rep Vincent Candelora.
8:20. Jimmy Koplik. What’s he bringing to the toy drive? Tickets?
8:30. Rate the Christmas songs.
8:40. Today in Connecticut concert history.
9:00. The Mayor of East Haven, Joe Carfora.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. She accidentally put her baby up for sale on Facebook.
9:30. Jamie Wieland, Owner of CT In Home Assistance