6:00. Britney Spears’s crazy family feud had a fun development yesterday.
6:20. What are the top googled baby names and how dumb are they in a ten scale?
6:30. The story behind the name. You. Your kid. A family member. Sebastian Bach tickets. Call in at 877-764-2535
7:00. Brad Wells on why the Legends of Fear in Shelton has awarded best in all of New England.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. Why someone paid 2700 dollars for a pair of used underwear.
7:30. What are the top ten most valuable Rolling Stones records? Mighty John the Record Guy!
8:00. Hospitals are preparing to fire unvaccinated employees. Will they face a mountain of legal challenges? Employment Attorney Bob Mitchell
8:20. Concert God Jimmy Koplik.
8:40. What happened on this day in concert history?
9:00. Brent Rossi from The Bridgeport Islanders. They have 3 pre-season games this weekend! Purchase your tickets HERE!
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Sebastian Bach from “Skid Row” talks Van Halen, Law suits and duct taping groupies. He’ll be at Toad’s Place in New Haven on October 19!! Don’t miss it!