6:00. The most common things we do in the restroom.
6:20. The Flubble Montage! Will AJ be dethroned as the Flubble King this week?
6:30. The new Rolling Stones top ten songs of all time has some people going nuts.
6:40. Which one song would be on the list of best songs ever? Call in at 877-764-2535
7:00. There are wild animals chasing people in Stonington!
7:20. Dumb Ass News. An Instagram model has a Buffalo Bills table jumping fail.
7:30. Channel 3’s Scot Haney.
8:00. Everything we need to know about the Foo Fighters tonight with Concert God Jimmy Koplik.
8:20. Celebrity encounters and open relationships. Comedian Chris Warren.
9:00. The Berlin Fair is happening this weekend!
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Will AJ be dethroned as the Flubble King this week?
9:30. Boss Keith with his Top 5 observations at the Pats home opener.