6:00. News. A daring robbery at a Connecticut gun store.
6:20. A teacher duct tapes a mask on a kids face. Here we go. Tough teacher you had. Everyone on gets in for Vic DiBitetto tickets. 877-764-2535
7:00. News.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. The movie protocol guy needs phone protocol lessons.
7:30. The fish sandwich was invented in Connecticut. Did you know that? Anthony from D’Amato’s Seafood
8:00. When a real life Tony Soprano buys a minor league hockey team. Phil Giubileo, former broadcaster for the Danbury Trashers, and Drew, hockey super-fan!
8:20. Best film/Worst film. Call in an actor and Movie Critic Joe Meyers will tell you their best film and worst film.
@joesview on Instagram and Twitter
9:00. Behind the scenes at one of the biggest concert to ever come to Toads Place – Liberty DeVitto.
9:20. Dumb Ass News.
9:30. Suzie Hunter is trying to catch a game at every Major League Baseball Stadium in the United States. How’s she doing?