6:00. An animal trainer makes a bear put on a dress. Bear tries to make a dress out of the animal trainer.
6:20. Comedian Tim Dillon snorted coke when he was 12 and has financial advice for you.
7:00. “Nick the Science Guy” from the CT Science Center on the Bezos blast off.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. How does a naked Dumb Ass get stuck between two buildings.
7:30. Trapper Don takes on Wildlife Rehabilitator, Donna.
8:00. Jimmy Koplik will announce the biggest concert coming to Connecticut in 2021!
8:20. Dire Staits guitarist Jack Sonni. Who does he know on the FarmAid line-up?
8:30. Princess Diana story.
9:00. News.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. Man puts steak in toaster.
9:30. The number of people in America who haven’t weighed themselves since the pandemic.