6:00. Cosby is free. How, and what’s next?
6:20. The Offspring have a new album out. Did everyone on the planet but me know that come out and play was from the movie the warriors?
7:00. Four things you should teach your kids about money.
7:20. Dumb Ass News. He broke into City Hall to get his drugs back. How did that work out?
7:40. The funny thing a priest said before he jumped out of a plane.
8:00. Cosby is out. How and why and what’s next. Attorney Norm Pattis.
8:20. Jimmy Koplik. Concert updates, questions and stories. Are there any concerts with Fireworks?
9:00. Laurie with Help our Military Heroes.
9:20. Dumb Ass News. A guy claiming to be god and a guy with a foot fetish.
9:30. Fireworks mishaps.